Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who are we and why are we here?

Isn't that the questions that we are all asking? At least aren't we told that that is the ultimate question in mans search for happiness and understanding? I'm not going to get that philosophical on you, I'm just going to tell you a little about who we are. Brett and I have been dating for just over four years. We met in Lake Powell on a fabulous vacation and I have been head over heals ever since. He on the other hand would probably tell you that head over heals isn't the right way to describe the chaotic life I've dragged him into. Truthfully our life is pretty mellow but having a teenager and one preteen can definitely cause some ups and downs. Spencer is 14 and over all a really good kid. He is a freshman in high school which is almost too crazy for me to comprehend. It doesn't seem like that long ago when I was a freshman. Yikes! How fast time flies. Spencer is learning to snowboard this year and is off to a really good start. He has a seasons pass at Sundance so has been able to go several times already. Brett is being patient and teaching him. Monika is 11 going on 17. It is scary how different girls are from boys. Not that one is better than the other, just different. Monika is very strong willed which hopefully come in handy as she starts dating but sometimes it complicates things at home. She is very adventurous and will try just about anything. This is something that Brett loves about her and is really looking forward to getting her out rock climbing this year. Monika is also a social butterfly and makes new friends wherever she goes. It seems like everyday she comes home talking about a new friend and is always wanting to head off to someones house to play.

Brett has been able to be home with the kids after school for the past 6 weeks or so which has been awesome. My work schedule can sometimes get me home later than I would like but I don't have to worry when I know he is home with them. He is starting back to work this week which means I have to actually think about what to make for dinner, make sure the kids check in after school, and try to schedule my time better. We'll see how well I do.


The Staheli's said...

Yay for your blog! A new one for me to read! I'm glad that you will get to keep us updated. I feel like we are out of the loop with everyone these days. Especially since your kids are just growing up so fast!

The Staheli's said...

Oh, and something funny about the title of your's the YW theme for the year! You are ON THE BALL!!! :D

Carmen said...

Welcome! I have to say, you are already a million times better than I am at this whole thing. You have pictures and links to other peoples blogs and everything. I cannot figure out how to do any of this stuff. So, thanks for showing me up. Really though, it's great to have you on here and to know what's going on with you all!

Austin Family said...

The HardJohnsons! I love it! This blog thing is nice since I don't see you that often anymore. I do think it is hard to keep up on it like others do, but I too will try (at least once a month!!) Happy Birthday Rachelle.


Em and Jer said...

Rachelle... I didn't know you had a blog! I love it! I would love to hang with you and Shannon anytime so let me know when you guys are free and lets do lunch!

Holly said...

Its shocking to me to see how old the kids are. My first memory of Monika was out on the Johnsons lawn wearing a cute watermelon dress. I think about 6 months old. Maybe younger. My how time flys! Love the blog!!