Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why am I doing this?

I have realized over the past several months that I am addicted. I am addicted to reading the blogs of all my friends and family, and even some people I don't even know. I decided that its not completely fair for me to be such a voyeur and not allow people a little peak into my world. I know I won't be as on top of this as other people but I am going to try it out anyway. I've done the myspace thing as well as facebook but it seems that blogging is the way of the future and so help me I don't want to get stuck in the past as the world around me moves forward. I'm going to make a goal to update at least once a week. That shouldn't be that hard since I look at everyone else's blogs about every other day. Anyway, keep up the good work. You've motivated me.


Manolakis Family said...

Yay! I love it, glad to see you jumped on board. You just wait you thought you were addicted before you started you are reallyl in for it. I have helped a few people with things as they have got started so let me know if you have questions about changing backgrounds using different websites or anything. If you don't like that word verification thing you turn it off under your post settings and comments I think - the choice of on or off. and you can still keep your blog private from a web search and allow anonymous comments if you decide you want that too, so people without blogs can still comments. Love all the pictures and can't wait to watch for the updates!

Holly said...

YAHOO! This is fun stuff!!!!! Glad to see ya joined in!