Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Purse Has Been Tagged

Ok, so I'm really embarrassed!! I woke up this morning and thought that I would read some blogs. I like to see if anybody has updates. Well I start to read Natalie's blog and my first thought was "Oh dear, I should really clean out my purse because I could be next". Well unfortunately I continued to read the whole thing and found out that I had already been tagged. So the contents of my purse are very random and somewhat odd but here goes. My wallet of course which is so full (of reciets not money) that it can barely close, my work cell phone, and my keys. Those are the items that are pretty normal and I would expect to find in anybodys purse but the rest is where you have to wonder what is going on inside my head, let alone my purse. I had two prescription bottles for prescriptions that I haven't taken in months, a tampon belonging to Shannon, two business cards for local cab companies, a nail file, flower drops, one hard candy (this of course was thrown away), two AA batteries (I don't know if they work), my fishing license reciept, a lighter, a small bottle of lotion, presciption cream for Monika's skin, a travel salt and pepper shaker, 7 (yes 7) lipgloss, and about $3 in change at the very bottom. Of course last but not least the darling picture of my kids taken about 10 years ago that Brett happened to throw in there yesterday. So now that I've laid it all out for you, don't spend too much time analyzing what it might mean. Since I know I'm not the only crazy one, I am going to tag Jessica, Carmen, Tiffany and Shannon.


This is Us said...

I forgot to mention my name tag from Thanksgiving Point. I hate to mention that I haven't worked there for 8 months.

The Staheli's said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of lip gloss! And cute picture of the kids. They are suddenly so grown up! It's crazy! Give them a hug for me! :)
So why are you going to Vegas? Fun?