Friday, March 14, 2008

Flashback Friday - Tubing

So I had this crazy experience the other day. We have had some random disposable cameras lying around the house that I decided to take in and get developed. We had no idea what we would find because nobody could remember even using a disposable camera in the past several years. Well it obviously had been quite awhile since these pictures were taken. About two winters ago we took the kids tubing at Soldier Hollow, which is a total blast and these pictures are a complete blast from the past. Brett and I look exactly the same but it was a shock how much the kids have changed.

Monika is so short in this picture. I swear she's grown over 6 inches since this was taken.

Spencer looks so young and sweet. It's amazing what 2 years can do and how much somebody can grow up. He looks like a little boy, not the young man he's turned into.

I love this picture of the kids. They look so happy and they even look like they enjoy each other's company a little. Ahh, the good ol' days.

A darling photo of Monika looking so young and innocent. Two years and raging hormones later she is still darling but it is much harder to catch her looking so happy and excited to be doing something with her family.


The Staheli's said...

Oh my! That picture of the two of them definately needs to be framed!ADORABLE!!!

Manolakis Family said...

Cute, looks like so much fun! I hear a bunch of people talking about soldier hollow and how fun it is - where the heck is it?

Holly said...

About time for and update on the ol'blog! How Fun! I still can't believe yer kids are not still in diapers! What happened. I didn't get any older did I?

Tiffany Johnson said...

So cute. I can't believe how young they look.